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Dica is the only large settlement on Warndon; besides a few scattered cabins in the wild tundra, Dica is where a majority of Warndon's population lives.


Dica is a kingdom half-carved into the snowy mountains. It's tall and regal spires meld with the earth,the pillars reach towards the ceiling, and the rocky overhang helps to protect that district of Dica from the elements. The buildings of Dica are built with a mix of silvery stone and ice, creating a unique palette to the city and giving building a sheen in certain lights.

The outskirts are less fortunate. The buildings dont reach as tall as they do in the overhang for fear of the icy winds ripping through them, and the further out they are from the overhang, the more buildings you may find made of just packed snow, or even wood.

Dica faces north east, towards the Lost Gulf and its Teeth.


Dica was founded by thickskinned explorers who didn't seem to mind the cold.


The people of Dica are, in a word, resilient. They have to be to bear living in Warndon. They are very closed off to the rest of the world, and trade is very insular; yet they thrive. All in all they are still a genreally jovial people, the harsh winters obviouslly not harshing their spirit.

There is a booming fur trade in Dica and their agricultural scene has led to the invention of hardier veggies, roots, and spuds, thus making their community very self sufficient.

Due to the dangerous creatures that are endemic to Warndon, one of the most important jobs is that of a hunter. And most rewarding too if they are skilled enough to get good skins, furs, and meat from their catches. Most hunters live on the far outskirts of Dica or further out in the tundra as hermits.